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S.H.P.P.: Society for Help the People and the Planet

Show the date

The calendar of divereign compose of 364 days, either 13 months of 28 days, or 4 weeks of 7 days.

The first month => Firmonth
The second month => Secmonth
The third month => Thimonth
The fourth month => Foumonth
The fiveth month => Fivmonth
The sixth month => Sixmonth
The seventh month => Sevmonth
The eighth month => Eigmonth
The nineth month => Ninmonth
The tenth month => Tenmonth
The firsteenth month => Fitmonth
The secondteenth month => Setmonth
The thirdteenth month => Onymonth (an mix of "Old" and "New" "Year")

The first day => Firday
The second day => Secday
The third day => Thiday
The fourth day => Fouday
The fiveth day => Fivday
The sixth day => Sixday
The seventh day => Sevday

It yi have than too festivitys in the calendar, the sevday 14 sevmonth hence we celebrate the love of the music and the next day either the firday 15 sevmonth be an day of rest and the sevday 28 onymonth hence we celebrate the love of the life and of the freety and the next day either the firday 01 firmonth be an day of rest.


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